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SOS 2.0
What Is to be Done?
Want to join the fight, but you’re not sure how? 
Here are a few suggestions: 
Donate to: the human rights/climate justice/peace/animal rights/biodiversity organisation of your choice (UNWRA—the UN Palestine relief organisation is in desperate need of even the smallest donation. Consider making a monthly contribution, as all such groups prefer regular support of any size for budgeting purposes.) 

Help build a fundraising event for any of the above. 

Organise your block or your immediate neighbours to prepare for any of the growing list of climate emergencies to which your community may well be subjected in the near future. (and remember that war is by far the most carbon intensive human activity, and will be until tanks, warships, etc are run on renewable energy( incidentally, the U.S. military is the most highly polluting organisation on Earth!))

Build a strike support committee against the day that a general mobilization becomes necessary (one which may begin by supporting local labour actions.) 

Write a letter to: your local, state/provincial legislative representative, and/or media outlet. 

Consider your special talents. Are you a videographer? Do you have administrative or secretarial skills? Are you an artist, performer, or journalist? Dig deep. Your special skills (we all have ‘em) are seriously needed! 

Contact SOS at either of our websites and leave a comment or constructive criticism (info@SOSplanetearth.net or  Info@SOS2point0.org

Let us know if you’re interested in joining us via zoom. 
In need of a morale booster? 
Visit a video posted on YouTube by any of the organisations mentioned by us. ‘like’ it. And notice the total likes versus dislikes (bear in mind that you won’t see a random sample, but a reaction of people who are motivated enough to register a reaction!)